Tecnoscienza (TS) is a transdisciplinary and transnational journal on Science and Technology Studies (STS), focusing on the nexus between science, technology, and society. Since 2010, the journal provides a venue for scholars, policy makers, professionals, and citizens interested in understanding the dynamic and multilevel nature of scientific and technological changes. The Journal is published in English twice a year with an open access and peer reviewed policy, without charges and without fees. It is managed by an Editorial Board with the supervision of an International Advisory Board.

ISSN 2038-3460

Current Issue

Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): Tecnoscienza Nr. 29
Cover of Tecnoscienza number 29 (1st Issue, Year 2024)

At the core of science and technology: work and organization in STS

Published: 2024-07-15

Full Issue

Crossing Boundaries

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